Yesterday we (Gianni, Molly & Tommi) drove to PN and went to The Regent for National Young Leaders Day. We were chosen to go because we are MSS leaders! 1500 children attended.
There were speakers who were chosen to inspire us. The theme was 3D, we all got glasses. The speakers were Angela Swann-Cronnin, Charlie Laumatia, Cam Callkoen, Jamie Fitzgerald & Nikita Turner.
The person who inspired us the most was:
Molly- Cam was my favourite speaker because he may have Cerebal Palsy but it hasn't stopped him chasing his dreams. He says 'Dream big and achieve more'. He also says he wouldn't change anything about him because that who he is and that's his gift. Cam is very passionate about about wanting to share his story around the world.
Gianni- Charlie was my favourite speaker. He inspired because his stories are compelling (interesting, I wanted to keep listening). Charlie's joke were funny. His passion is to see young people build a healthy self esteem and to reach their full potential.
Tommi: Cam was my favourite speaker. He inspired me when he said he was bullied at school because he talked funny and walked funny. Cam went on to become an athlete even with a disability. He practised and practised. He told us to always chase our dreams. He still had the courage to talk to over 1500 kids.