Sunday 13 July 2014

Enviro Action Day Term 2!

The good looking garden team!

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to (free) work we go!
We had a very busy last day of term! We were on the go all day trying to save the world...or at least our small part of the Manchester Street School world anyway! We were all looking good in varying shades of green to support this special day. Some of us were so well camouflaged Mrs Palmer kept losing us in the trees!
"Who's missing? Rm I we are missing a student!"

Gumboots on, we kick started our Enviro Action day by getting down and dirty in our school garden. Winter is a good time for garden tidying as there were not so many leaves or weeds to clean up. Thank you to Samuel for once again bringing gardening tools to help. Also a big thank you to Taylor-Rose and The Hannah's  who were very motivated and helpful in cleaning up our garden area. 

Some of the school's Enviro Team were selling beautiful daffodils so we made a purchase and planted them in our garden. Luckily Mr Harber (Ben's Dad) happened to check in because Mrs Black-fingers Palmer was not doing the best job of helping to plant the new flowers. Mr Harber was happy to share his vast knowledge and soon we had some very happy looking flowers nodding at us from their prime location in our garden. 
While we were sorting our garden we discovered lots of tasty looking worms that we saved to give to Dennis, Rm O's turtle. We had a lot of fun collecting them!
By the time we had finished our gardening session our garden was looking good and some of us had been working hard to help out and weren't looking quite as good as we had earlier!

Me...dirty my hands! I don't think so!

 Rm I there are some worms in here...I can hear them!

 Every job needs supervisors!?

Samuel loves gardening!

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