Tuesday 29 July 2014

High in the sky

In the holidays we were set a challenge to create a parachute. On the third day back to school we got to test them out. There were different designs and different sizes, some even went over the top of the 50cm chute. The winning time was 4.34 seconds. The winners were Jack and Tommi. We did it on the fort in the junior playground. We did for our  Notion of Motion study in Inquiry.

Posted by Taylah and Akhira

Look at my perfect parachute

I am the only one with this design

This is my small and petite parachute

I hope mine floats

My personal umbrella

Mine will do fine

Tommi get out of my shot

My parachute is the opposite of me BIG

I am so gonna win

Me and my parachute have something in common we are both small

Look how big my parachute is

Do not look at me just my parachute

Pack 'n' save is the way to go

The figure can relax in the subway

This is my fancy and unique

My Fifa World Cup design is sure to win

My late design may still win

Tommi and i have a twin parachute

Lets hope for the best Orange Bob

This is my shot Mason you had yours!!

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